More art filler

I’m trying to get back into using my tablet, and unfortunately I’m still pretty rusty (hence all the sketchiness).  Two things are school related, and one is a sketch of a video game heroine.  I’m also using Gimp for the first time after being a Photoshop user for a decade.  It’s weird getting used to it, but it’s pretty good for a free art program.

It looks wonky, but there’s something about it that I finished anyway.  Claire Redfield, one of the last great female characters.  Done all in Gimp.

An almost finished redrawn pic of Wendy, pretty much like the one I posted a while back.  I’m so unhappy with the hair.  Drawn with pencil, inked and colored with Gimp.

I like it for the nose alone- I love drawing them.  Burger looks weird though, I might redraw that.  Drawn with pencil, inked and colored with Gimp.

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